Sunday, June 16, 2013

I realized the other day, I usually only write when I'm sad.... 
Which is rather unfortunate, because I'm happy %90 of the time.

I'm making a goal to write when I'm happy, indifferent, AND sad. I feel its important to take the time to express how you feel during all emotions. Not only will it show that I'm not a sad sap all the time, but by taking the time myself to assess how blessed I am, it will make me appreciate my life more.
Same goes for my photography. Sometimes I get caught up in the "perfect"shot. But really its those everyday, imperfect moments that are the most beautiful. And thus birthed my idea for 'project 365'. A picture every day for a year. Capture the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. You can follow my posts every day on my facebook page. Hope you enjoy! Comments are encouraged and much appreciated:)